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Author Guidelines

Editorial rules

The articles submitted to Precedente must meet the following criteria:

The authors are to take into account the requirements of the Colombian Minciencias Classification System with regard to the quality of their articles submitted for publication at Precedente . In this respect, authors must indicate the category to which their articles belong. They must bear in mind that categories 1, 2, and 3 are the only eligible for indexing. A description of each kind of classification is provided below:

  1. Articles Resulting from Scientific and Technological Research. A document that provides a detailed discussion of the original results of completed research projects. In general, it has a structure that consists of four major sections, i.e. introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions. 
  2. Reflection article. A document that presents the results of a completed research, which reflects the author’s analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective with regards to a specific topic and referencing original sources. 
  3. Review article. A document that results from a completed research, which offers analysis, discussion, and compilation of results of published or unpublished research in a field of science or technology for the purpose of reporting on the progress and latest development trends. It is characterized by incorporating a thorough bibliographic review of at least 50 different references. 
  4. Short article. A brief document that presents the preliminary or partial original results of scientific or technological research work which, in general, need to be disclosed promptly.
  5. Case report. A document, which discusses the results of a study of a specific situation and that aims at the dissemination of technical and methodological experiences. It includes a systematic review with comments on available literature regarding similar cases. 
  6. Topic review. A document that results from a critical review of existing literature about a specific topic or subject. 
  7. Letters to the editor. Critical, analytical, or interpretative positions with regards to documents published in the journal which, at the discretion of the Editorial Committee, can be considered as providing a significant contribution in the discussion of the subject on the part of the scientific community. 
  8. Editorial. A document written by the editor, a member of the editorial committee, or a guest researcher regarding journal’s field of specialization. 
  9. Translation. Translations of classic or current texts or transcriptions of historical documents or documents of special interest within the journal’s range of topics of publication.
  10. Reflection document not resulting from research
  11. Bibliographic outline.
  12. Other.

The length of the articles must be from 15 to 20 pages, excluding bibliographical references, attachments, charts or images that may be provided in the articles.

The articles must be preceded by a cover page that provides the author’s name followed by his/her e-mail address, organization adn ORCID code. The cover page must also provide the title of the article, a summary (of no more than 250 words), and from three to five key words, in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Lastly, the authors must also include a footnote linked from the article's title with details of the relevant research that provided the framework for the article. To write the abstract consult our guidelines for abstracts.

Font type: Goudy Old Style, font size 12, single spacing, letter paper size, and 3-cm margins on each side. The titles and subheadings of the articles must be written in bold, using capital and small letters.

Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary licenses for reproducing images, illustrations, charts, and extensive quotations, if so required.

Footnotes are used only for making clarifications or qualifications of the text, not for textually quoting another author or providing bibliographic references.

Citations within the text should be made following the APA style. To insert a citation in the text, you must reference the author’s surname and year of publication. Here are some models:

Vega (2006) describes changes in the index for each region ...
The index changes show regional differences (Vega, 2006).
In 2006, the study of Vega index showed variations ...

For verbatim citations, 'p.' or 'pp.' depending on the case and the page number, like this: (Smith, 1990, p. 60). When the quoted text is less than 40 words long, only quotes are provided, but if the text exceeds this limit, then a separate indented (on both sides) paragraph in font size 11 is provided.

To indicate co-authorship, authors should take into account the number of authors. In the case of two authors, they are always referenced by their surnames, for example, Perez and Velasquez (2007) or (Perez and Velasquez, 2007).

The use of the abbreviations like ibid., op. cit, and loc. sit is not allowed. The quoted author’s name is to be provided as many times as necessary.

When necessary to cite two or more references at once, the citations must be organized in the following way:

Castro (2007), Jimenez (1997) and Ramos (2010) agree on the analysis ...
Several studies (Castro, 2007, Jimenez, 1997 and Ramos, 2010).

Full details of the texts cited are placed in alphabetical order of their first authors’ last names on a page entitled References.

a) Single author

Surname, Initial (s) name. (year). Original title of the book (always in italics). Publisher.
Bonilla, M. E. (1984). Cages. Planeta.

b) From two authors 
Suarez, J. and Villa, L. (2000). History of theater in Latin America. Quito, Ecuador: El Faro.
Torres, G. (Ed.). (2007). Migration flows of Colombian women, 2000-2005. Bogotá, Colombia: Alfaguara.

Book chapter:
Surname, Initial(s) name (year). Chapter title. In Initial (s) Coordinator’s name, followed by the editor or compiler name and the abbreviation role in the publication in parentheses. Original title of the book (always in italics) between parétesis page numbers. City, Country: Publisher.
Cortázar, J. (1997). Some aspects of the story. In L. Zavala (ed.), Theories of the story, I: Theories of the storytellers (pp. 60-75) Mexico City, Mexico: UNAM.

Journal article
Surname, Initial(s) of the name (year). Article Title. Journal Title (always in quotes), Volumen (Número), page numbers.   

Press article
Surname, Initial(s) of the name “Article Title” (always in quotes), Newspaper Title (always in italics), City, day and month, year.

Surname, Initial(s) name (year). “Title of thesis” (always in quotes), undergraduate thesis / PhD / MA, University.


About not charging fees

Precedente does not charge for publishing or submitting articles in the editorial process of the Journal. The journal also does not pay fees to its reviewers.