Gender, Work, and Identity: Beauty Salons in Bogotá


  • Luz Gabriela Arango Gaviria Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Javier Armando Pineda Duque Universidad de los Andes



Gender, Intersectionality, Work, Beauty, Hair salons


This article examines hair salons, beauty parlors and barbershops in Bogotá from threeperspectives; first, as a space that offers a variety of services and aesthetic possibilities ina context of high informality and of class, race, and gender inequality; secondly, as workmarked by sexual and social divisions, in terms of both jobs and attention to the clientele,centered around “emotional work”; and thirdly, as a field of both cultural expressionand conflict with ethnic, racial and sexual aspects. Based on fieldwork and on a focus onintersectionality, the article explores these social differences as manifested in these jobswithin the processes of subsistence and professionalization.


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How to Cite

Arango Gaviria, L. G., & Pineda Duque, J. A. (2012). Gender, Work, and Identity: Beauty Salons in Bogotá. Revista CS, (10), 93-130.