A Cultural Perspective of Subjectivity: Development from a Fragmentary Legacy


  • Fernando Luis González Rey Centro Universitario de Brasilia




Subjectivity, Subject, Culture


This article will show how transformations in the human psyche, based on the cultural character of the productions and practices of man, allow for the revival of subjectivity as a qualitative level unique to humans. Understood from this perspective, subjectivity is a process inherent to the cultural functioning of man and to the social world generated by its cultural productions. The text attempts to challenge the exclusion of subjectivity in favor of post–structuralism and neo–pragmatism, perspectives that dismissed this notion for bearing the limitations of modern thought. Faced with this position, the article argues that neither of these schools of thought had a theoretical awareness of subjectivity, a concept that, in fact, runs counter to the fundamental principles that underpinned late modernity, based on the idea of objective science and man's rational representation.


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How to Cite

González Rey, F. L. (2013). A Cultural Perspective of Subjectivity: Development from a Fragmentary Legacy. Revista CS, (11), 19-42. https://doi.org/10.18046/recs.i11.1565