Sound Professions: Transformations on being a printer


  • Ana Garay Universidad Icesi, Cali



Profession, Sound, Experience, Graphic arts, Machines


The study of the evolution of the printing trade requires an attentive observation of how different printing techniques have shaped the trade since the Nineteenth century. Particular printing techniques determine how printers relate to space, to the machine and to the trade itself. Through ethnographic exercises this article explores how the introduction of digital printing techniques has transformed the printing trade in San Nicolás (a traditional neighborhood in Cali, Colombia). I propose this transformation is best described and understood through an ethnographic analysis of the relations between printers and their machines and through a detailed description of the printing offices soundscape.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Garay, Universidad Icesi, Cali
    Antropóloga de la Universidad Icesi. Actualmente, estudianate de la Maestría de Estudios Sociales y Políticos, y asistente de investigación en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Icesi.


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How to Cite

Garay, A. (2015). Sound Professions: Transformations on being a printer. Revista CS, (17), 161-184.