Gadamer and Collingwood on Temporal Distance and Understanding


  • Chinatsu Kobayashi Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Mathieu Marion Université du Québec à Montréal



Time, Distance, Understanding, Intention, Gadamer, Collingwood, Dilthey, Ricoeur


In this article, the authors explore an intuitive model of time worked through in Gadamer’s hermeneutics, but which is rejected by Collingwood. To illustrate this, the authors examine the responses of both to the problem of transposition, upon which Dilthey’s philosophy is purportedly founded. The authors then discuss the underlying notions of time, demonstrating that Ricoeur had a greater appreciation of the issue, given his observation that Collingwood moves parallel to Heidegger’s critique of “vulgar time” to a certain extent, albeit with an entirely different result. In addition, the authors highlight the importance of Collingwood’s thinking to his notion of “incapsulation”.


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How to Cite

Kobayashi, C., & Marion, M. (2012). Gadamer and Collingwood on Temporal Distance and Understanding. Revista CS, (9), 19-52.