Systemic Intervention in Families: From Linearity to Circularity




Systemic Thinking, Linear Causality, Circular Causality, Reflexivity, Systemic Formation


This is an applied research carried out in a formative context of systemic orientation in postgraduate studies. The objective was to identify some factors that favor the transition from a linear thinking to a circular one characteristic of the systemic task, which operates through feedback loops to enhance change, in therapists and consultants, both teachers and students in training. Methodology: It was carried out through focus groups and indepth interviews in reflective conversational settings. Participants: three lecturers of theoretical-practical seminars and seven students of the Specialization in Psychotherapy and Systemic Consultancy of the University of Manizales. Results: Three novelties were identified in the experiences of systemically oriented psychologists: linear and circular thinkings do not appear isolated or exclusive, they can be transposed from one to another. This constitutes an adventure facilitated by the need to articulate human dilemmas in a context of relational responsibility, which implies the self-reference of the intervener. Participants agree on basic factors and relieve the mainstreaming from the cognitive, emotional, and pragmatic sphere in this transit, also, highlight an innovative movement at the time of immersing in logics of circular nature.


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Author Biography

  • Martha Luz Páez-Cala, Universidad de Manizales

    Psicóloga de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista en Docencia Universitaria de la Universidad Católica de Manizales (Colombia) y magíster en Estudios de Familia y Desarrollo de la Universidad de Caldas (Colombia). Excoordinadora, docente y asesora de prácticas e investigación en la Especialización en Psicoterapia y Consultoría Sistémica del programa de Psicología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Universidad de Manizales (Colombia).



How to Cite

Páez-Cala, M. L. (2019). Systemic Intervention in Families: From Linearity to Circularity. Revista CS, (28), 207-227.