Graphic Turn and Textile Activism: Embroidery as Political Textimony in two Brazilian Craftivist Associations
Graphic Turn, Craftivism, Textimony, Textile Activism, Brazilian Political ActivismAbstract
This essay analyzes textile activism practices of two Brazilian embroidery associations: Linhas do Horizonte and Pontos de Luta. By considering embroideries as textimonies, this article offers an exegesis of embroidery practices, and frame them in the Latin American context within what has been called the graphic turn. Furthermore, a connection between embroidery and the so-called craftivism will be established. I will deal with a limited corpus of embroideries made in the period 2016-2021. Linhas do Horizonte and Pontos de Luta have a clear leftist ideology, their main task being to denounce attacks against the social system and against the reduction of personal freedoms carried out by the administrations of the conservative former president Michel Temer, and the ultra-conservative current president Jair Bolsonaro. The textile activism of these associations has the purpose of creating, through embroidery, textile artifacts to defend a wide range of social causes that they identify themselves with.
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